Game changer festival Montenegro powered by Crnogorski telekom najavljuje program!

U susret najsunčanijem tehnološkom događaju ovog leta, koji se održava u Tivtu, kada će tokom tri festivalska dana (04-06.07.2024.) ceo grad biti u znaku inovacija, predstavljamo program i lokacije:


Glavno gradsko šetalište Pine u Tivtu zablistaće iznova tokom dve festivalske večeri 5. i 6. jula 2024. godine za neverovatnih 9.000 posetilaca svetlosne izložbe digitalnog dizajna i animacije u svetu video igara.

Uz zvuke elektronske muzike, posjetioce će fascinirati svjetlosna izložba gejming dizajna i animacije koju je kreirao izuzetan tim koji stoji iza crnogorske video igre Bleak Faith.

Ovaj događaj dolazi u savršeno vreme – u istom mesecu kada igra doživljava svoju svetsku premijeru na PlayStation platformi, i obećava globalnu ekspanziju u saradnji sa Sony Interactive Entertainment.

Izložba digitalnog dizajna i animacije

Lokacija: Tivat, Pine gradska Riva

5 – 6. jul 2024. od 19:00

TECH DAY 1 / Blockchain day (04.07.2024. Tivat)

GAME CHANGER Montenegro X Blockchain Forensics Forum predstavljaju specijalnog gosta!

Michael Roberts / Osnivač Rexxfield Cyber Crime Investigations i PICDO Public International CyberCrime Disruption Organisation Stručni istražitelj kibernetičkih zločina čiji tim već dugi niz godina pruža vredne i korisne obaveštajne podatke i dokaze US Marshals, Homeland Security,  FBI  kao i organima za sprovođenje zakona širom sveta.


9:30 – 10:00 Registracija

10:00 – 10:45 Hard Talk 1 / Crypto in the Spotlight, Blockchain on the Horizon

Milos Bošnjak / Web3 analyst

Lejla Mutarcaus Blagojević / BeINCrypto  Partnerships Director

Luka Globarević / COO · Blockchain Web Services

Darko Radunović / Senior Marketing Manager at InfStones


10:50 – 11:35 Hard Talk 2 / Legal Labyrinth or Wonderland Utopia? Navigating Blockchain’s Regulatory Landscape

Miloš Rakčević / Co-founder @ETH Belgrade

Dragan Čabarkapa / Senior Blockchain Security Auditor – Macro

Aleksandar Matanović / ECD Co-Founder

Željko Drinčić / President at Capital Market Authority of Montenegro


12:00 – 12:40 / Blockchain Forensics: Expert Cyber Detectives Tracking Down Cybercriminals

X Blockchain Forensic Forum

Stanoje Rnic, CEO @ Archibald

Stefan Živković, Blockchain Forensics Expert @ Rexxfield

Michael Roberts, Founder @ Rexxfield

12:40 – 13:10 Big Break & Network X Maggi

13:10 – 13:40 / Masterclass 2 / Crypto Crime – Prevent and Act

X Blockchain Forensic Forum

Stanoje Rnić CEO @ Archibald

Break X Nescafe

13:55 – 14:40 Hard Talk 3 / The Future of Applying Blockchain Technology in Traditional Industries

Vitomir Jevremović / Founder and CEO  at ALL – ART

Strahinja Vukoičić / CEO at Moonstruck

Stevan Bogosavljević / Solidity dev @THORWalletDEX

14:40 – 15:10 Meet-up session / From Catching Up to Leading: How to Embrace and Apply Blockchain Now
with Excellent 3 / USAID |  ICT HUB | Srbija inovira

Nemanja Petrović / COO at Moonstruck

TECH DAY 2 / TRAVEL TECH 05.07.2024. Tivat

GAME CHANGER Montenegro predstavlja specijalnog gosta!

Avanturist, najuticajniji bloger i infuencer u oblasti putovanja  i suosnivač globalne aplikacije e Sim global app – jedan jedini Kristijan Iličić


9:30 – 10:00 Registracija

10:00 – 10:45 Hard Talk 1 / Rating is King: The Impact of Reviews vs. Prices on Travel Choices

Dr Olivera Popović / General Manager / Directorate for Investments and Development of Competitiveness in Tourism

Zorka Raičević / Regional Business Development Manager at BAG and Founder and CEO of EASTWEST VOYAGE DMC


10:50 – 11:35 Hard Talk 2 / Campaigns that Convert: Targeting Excellence in Boosting Occupancy

Nenad Novović / Founder and CEO at Amplitudo

Nevena Keković / Digital Marketing Manager at Superior ltd.

Dario Bratić / Founder of Digital Control


12:00 – 12:40 / Masterclass 1 / Data-Powered Travels: Changing the Game – One Insight at a Time

SeekandHit – bring showcase

12:40 – 13:10 Big Break & Network X Maggi

13:10 – 13:50 / Masterclass 2 / Smart Rates = Full Dates: Navigating Revenue Peaks with Dynamic Pricing



13:55 – 14:40 Hard Talk 3 / Technology and the World of Real Estate and the Yacht Industry, ROI in the Premium Segment. Where’s the Math?

X Sotheby’s Realty Montenegro

Niko Laković / Managing Director And Partner Of Sotheby’s Realty Montenegro

Stefan Stešević / Founder of Montenegro Luxury Association

Damir Opsenica /  CDO at the Maritime Center of Excellence (Lürssen Group)

14:40 – 15:15  Meet-up session / Visualizing Value: The Social Media Impact on Pricing Perspectives

Kristijan Iličić / Travel blogger and travel influencer and Co-founded Lyntel an e Sim global app


06.07.2024. Tivat

GAME CHANGER Montenegro predstavlja specijalnog gosta!

Univerzitetski predavač, autor bestselera Sunday Times,i bivši glavni psiholog u Cambridge Analytica dolazi nam Patrick Fagan Kubik intelligence Head of Behavioural Science


9:30 – 10:00 Registracija

10:00 – 10:45 Hard Talk 1 / Digital Morality: Charting the Future of Ethical AI

Ana Ašanin / CEO @ Spectro

Slavko Kovačević / CEO @DeepMark

Marijana Bojanić / CEO at Vijesti


10:50 – 11:35 Hard talk 2 / Beyond transactions: AI in Finance – Smart, Secure, Personal

X CKB Banka

Ivan Bošković / IT Advanced Services CEO

Dražen Raičević / executive director of the company Business Universal Media


Ivan Šoć / Chairman of the Committee for Artificial Intelligence and other advanced technologies and member of the Management Board of the Association of Managers of Montenegro


11:40 – 12:10 TALK BOOST / Harnessing AI in Major Corporations: Chatbot Integration for Internal Use and AI-Driven External Messaging X NESTLE

12:10 – 12:50 / Masterclass 1 / User-centric Intelligence: Big Data and AI – Experiences without Spam

Patric Fagan / Kubik intelligence Head of Behavioural Science, is a university lecturer and Sunday Times bestselling author, and the former lead psychologist at

Cambridge Analytica

12:50 – 13:10 Big Break & Network X Maggi

13:10 – 13:50 / Masterclass 2 / Tomorrowland: AI’s Future – Crafted by Visionaries


Break X Nescafe

13:55 – 14:40 Hard Talk 3 / How Are Companies Using AI Today and How Will the Application of the Technology Affect the Labor Market?

Vanja Ljevar / Data Scientist | Psychologist PhD in computer science Entrepreneur

Maja Rolevski / Head of Engineering at Uhura Solutions

Mladen Rakonjac / Managing Director at Infinum

Ulaz na konferenciju je isključivo po pozivu. Za svaku od 3 tematske konferencijska dana obezbeđen je ograničen broj ulaznica, za koje se možete prijaviti na email

Prijava mora da sadrži podatke: ime, prezime, kompaniju ili organizaciju iz koje dolazite,  dan / program koji želite da posetite TECH DAY 1, TECH DAY 2 ili TECH DAY 3.

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